June 21, 2009

Graduation, a Celebration!

Graduation, a celebration!

I'm graduated! How fucking good is that?
Oh, and I wanna say thanks to Jesus Christ, the one and only, for everything! I just can't imagine how big His love to His children, even tough they were so sinful, just like me. Second big thanks to my Mom, for giving me all her love and her support, even tough sometimes she's annoying for me (yeah, you know when your mom push you to learn?), but now I know, the only thing you care about is me. And to my Dad, he's so supporting and always help me, even tough I'm treat him not right. So sorry, Dad. Big hug and kisses for my parents!!!! And, of course, to my little brotha, Edo, for keeping me in the right way, make my day more colorful with his lovely-but-of-course-annoying face and acts! Haha.
Third big thanks all my favorite girls: Ayu, Dona, Krystle, Talita, Tiffany. We do have some fights, we do have some miserable moments, but I know we do have lots of love for each others! Gonna miss you bunch bunch bunchhhhhh! A lot of thanks for giving me best years, and best surprise birthday party. Really appreciate it.
Fourth best thanks for all loves of my lifes! You know, crushes. Haha. Inside those loves, there is the special one. You know who you are, man. Thanks for giving me best love years! All those silly things I did, and those mean things I did.... forgive me, please? Hehe. Thanks to all of you for giving me spirit to go to school, seeking what you do all day long, and then gossiping you with my girl friends. Yeah, call it monkey love....
Fifth best thanks to 7.5, 8.3, and of course my last class, 9.1 (Der Fagenone)! Thanks for giving me lots of experiences, laughs, even tears. Sorry if I'm annoying, or I did some mistakes. Loving you all, take care.
Sixth best thanks to Nadia, for being my 3 years classmate! You're so beautiful, smart, and such a good friend, I mean it! (and Yonas too)
Seventh thanks to teachers!! Really thank you a lot for fulling me with your knowledge and experience. Sorry if I act badly to you (esp. Mrs. Tati :p).....









P.S. Ta, sorry cause I copy your idea to create a thanks to post, hope you don't mind :D


Yulia Rahmawati said...

congrats sista'

btw u are sooo cute

ikuti blog aku dong,,,
thx ya,,,,,,

ONiC said...

LG ks 360. lucu yah? pengin beli juga yah?

anyway, congrats yah!

Anonymous said...

of course I don't mind.
trid bokap lo ngapain di toko lingerie ? hahahahahha