December 26, 2008

Random part II; big dreamer

Ah, finally. Come back home. I miss home.
I just arrived from Bandung this afternoon, and me and my family goes to Blok S to eat something (requested by Fino, one of my cousin).
We went to one factory outlet to factory outlet. From Rumah Mode to Cascade. From Batagor Kingsley to Winner Bratwurst.
Great holiday, anyway.
Ah ya. I forgot something!

Merry Christmas!

I got a red polkadot short, 2 tees, and..... argh, honestly I forgot.
I don't know what to do until 5th January. My mom will busy with her job, so do my dad. My brother can't help anything.
I want to go somehere, refresh my brain from fuckin' sweet memories that I had to left behind. And I lost a little interest to my crush.
He's just "too hard to get" and I don't care.
You know, after you-know-who-I-won't-remember tragedy, I can't loving someone perfectly. I mean perfectly that I can't focus on them. You know, there's always something wrong with them that I don't like. Such as they're too busy, they're too careless, and on and on.
BUT, with you-know-who-I-won't-remember, I was totally in love with him. I love his good side, even his bad side.
He's just too good for me. You know, something like I love you whatever you are thing?
I moved to Jakarta, and he was there. We were at the same class for 3 years. Is this destiny or what I don't know, and I don't want to think about it.
You know, it's hard to forget something really important in your life.
As if you can't survive without them.
It's silly. No, not silly. It's stupid.
So, I'm the stupid one.
Well, okay, I still breathing even he's not mine anymore. I always compare a boy with him. Every boy--without any exception!
Such as my new crush, I compare him with you-know-who-I-won't-remember. I think, my new crush is sweet and innocent, and you-know-who-I-won't-remember is totally NOT innocent at all. But, is he as patient as you-know-who-I-won't-remember to face me?
You-know-who-I-won't-remember is really patient. He talks to me slowly, full of understandment. He cares about me. He was so calm. I love him.
I'm not.
Those words.. fuckin' shit, I hate to admit it!
I can't delete it. This is my blog, my place to tell you my feelings, so I won't deny it.
As he deny his feeling!
Great. Flashback again. Good job, Trid. It makes you harder to forget him, stupid girl.
Anyway, Bandung is a great city to live. I think it might be good to school here. Maybe in SMAN 5? Or ITB -- interior design or graphic design? Well, I can't decide.
No, I already planned my future in Australia, Monash University, Public Relation major.
Actually, my real ambition is a fashion designer. But, my dad said that become a designer will not really good. He wants me as a doctor. HELLO? I hate blood.
Now, I want to be a CEO (Chief Executive Officer). Become a leader of a big company, and live in an exclusive pent house, using Guess? high heels to the office, and expensive blazer, and paid for 180 millions per month.

Big dreamer? Yes I am!

2 comments: said...

nice story,trid.It's amazing for me.

Astrid said...

asoooy tipil makasih sayaang hehe