December 29, 2008


Ternyata, gue baru tau banget nih. Hot news; fresh from the oven.
Emak gue itu dulunya waktu kuliah anak bandel!
Haha. Gatau kan?
Ternyata, emak gue dulu itu adalah tukang clubbing, bahkan dia dulu ngerokok.
Tapi, emak gue tetep punya IP tinggi dan dia adalah mahasiswi 3 besar di kampusnya, Universitas Padjajaran.
Can you believe that?
Wah gue surprise banget waktu tau.
Jadi ceritanya, hari ini emak gue mau ketemu sama temen kuliahnya, namanya Dewi tapi dipanggil Dwei atau apalah gitu gue lupa.

"Itu temen mama ini dulu suka ngomel-ngomel gitu, haha."
"Ngomel gimana?"
"Iya, dia suka bilang 'Kau ini gimana sih, Mel? Kita sama-sama pulang dari disko, tapi IP-mu selalu bagus!' gitu."
"Oh ya?" gue kaget dong ya emak gue adalah anak disko dulunya.
Terusan, karna gue penasaran, gue nanya aja sama emak gue.
"Ma, mama pernah nyemok gak?"
"Nyemok? Apaan tuh?"
"Ya pernahlah."
"Tapi kan biasanya kalo udah sekali kena rokok pasti kecanduan?"
"Oh nggak dong. Kan mama pinter."

Gila juga ya, emak gue adalah orang yang cukup badung. Oh ya, gue juga pernah tau kalo emak gue dulu itu suka nilep barang-barang di restoran. Gue ulangin, n-i-l-e-p. Slash nyolong. Slash nyuri.
Gelas-gelas, piring-piring, tempat saos sama garem diambilin sama emak gue. Kayak gelas Dunkin Donuts gitu kan lucu-lucu gitu ya, diambilin aja gitu sama emak gue.

Terus bokap gue.
Dulu, bokap gue adalah seorang pembalap.
Dia pernah menang jadi juara se-ocean pasifik dalam kejuaraan balap itu. Yang gue tau, kakek gue kurang suka balap-balapan. Jadinya, bokap gue didamparkan ke USU (Universitas Sumatera Utara) di jurusan kedokteran.
Dan dia akhirnya sekarang ini jadi dokter deh, haha.
Tadinya, dia pengen jadi pilot, sampe SMA di Bandung karena rencana awalnya dia pengen jadi pilot. Tapi gajadi. Fakta-fakta belum terkumpul kenapa dia batal jadi pilot.

Gue juga pengen jadi anak bandel dan pemberontak. Sebenernya ada bakat sih, HAHA. Tapi gue belom bisa menunjukkannya karna gue pengen jadi anak yang nakal tapi pinter. Kayak emak gue gitu. Gue beri bukti, bukan janji (kayak Tje Fuk)!!!!!
Anyway, segini dulu yow. Wish me luck be the rebel but smart one! HAHA.

December 28, 2008

Twilight, and my own love story

Okay, it's kinda stupid.
Alright. Don't look at your monitor like that.
I know, it's just a couple hours ago I made a new posting in this blog.
But, I have nothing to do, so sorry if I post a new posting again.

Honestly, I don't know what I have to tell y'all.
Ah, I'm listening to Bella's Lullaby now. You know, the Twilight soundtrack?
It must be nice if we have someone that really love us. Like Edward to Bella. Like Bella to Edward. They love each others without any condition.
Even their love are forbidden.
Even Jacob loves Bella, Bella still choose Edward, and they're get married.
And, what a wonderful world if they can having each others forever. I mean, there's no till death do us apart thing in their story, right? Cause finally Bella become a vampire like Edward. (from the novel--even I'm not read any of them yet)

Well, okay. Back to the lullaby.
The Bella's Lullaby song is their theme song.
Well, I do have a theme song with a person, even I don't know if he knows that we have a theme song.
You know the Keith Martin's song? Because of You?
Yap, that is our theme song.

You know, it must be very nice if someone told you these. Edward said this dialog to Bella before the fight in Eclipse (from the details in the source).

Sleep My Bella Sleep

My love my only love
Sleep and dream as much as you can
Morning will be soon
The fight will begin
Rest my love
Please rest
I will protect you as much as I can
Sleep my soul my only love sleep
Once the fight is over
I promise nothing will hurt you again
Sleep my love
My soul
My Bella

How about me? How about my love life?
Laugh. Laugh out loud. Please. I deserve that.
You know, my love life is suck.
Full of cries, lies, hypocrisy, and of course: denial.

He lies to everyone about us, what can I do? Crying like a fool, like a fool bitch.
I make some sweet revenge and my purpose is to know what's wrong with us. Then, out of the plan, he fell in love with the character I played. Is that my fault? Is that my fault, that he fell in love with someone that I've been created?

He said he loves me, he said I'm the most perfect person he ever met.
Then, boom. He said to everyone that he hates me, he was so tired about me, I'm selfish, childish, spoiled..... and bla-bla-bla.
Then I heard that news and I cried, cried, cried. Thinking that these all my fault, I'm stupid and I screw it up and bla-bla-bla he never loves me at all cause I was making a big mistake bla-bla-bla.....

Then I was mad. Very mad about that. My heart screaming. I love him and he betrayed me that way! He replied all my love and caring and tears that way?

But, a stupid flashback make me wake up. I was hurt him first.
Then, when he tried to make me come back to him, I rejected him without remorse. Heck, stupid me.
Then I realized that.... this is my karma!
How I loved him, how he betrayed me by lying to me, how he tried to catch me back, how I rejected him..............
Then the remorse come. Filling my heart and soul.
Heck. Please. No.

Those tears run away, faster, faster. All those remorse won't go. Those memories come and haunting me. Those love moment....

"Do you love me. Answer it honestly."
"Yes. How about you?"
"How much (in percent)?"
"98%. And the 2% means you are my best friend."
"I love you more. I give all my heart to you, 100%. The rest, I give to my family and friends."

And those fun moment.....

"Let's have a date."
"I don't know. Where do you want?"
"Umm.... bowling? Or billiard?"
"I can't."
"I'll teach you."
"Really? How about ice-skating?"
"I can't."
"I'll teach you."
"I know where's the right place."
"WHAT? I can cry and scream for 7 octaves at least."
"I know you can even more, 20 octaves. "

Even when we were fighting.

"What happened to you? Say something! I can't understand what happened to you if you won't talk even a word!"

Or the jealous-funny time.

"What will you do, if a boy give me a valentine chocolate in front of you?"
"Hit him!" you said that spontaneously.

Even when you tease me with a chocolate from Singapore.

"You know, I've just got some chocolate from Singapore."
"Really? Can I have some?"
"What is supposed to mean with maybe?"
"If I'm not spend it over."
"Ah... please?"
"Haha.... I'm eating that chocolate right now. The last chocolate."

Ah, forget it, Trid. It means nothing now, alright? He already forget it all, so you have to do the same thing.
I hope I can rewind the time, back into those happy time between us.
But, there's no rewind machine, and I'll not depending on you anymore. I hope I can face this truth.
And yeah, you're hers now. What I supposed to do is, support you with that girl, whoever she is. Hope you happy with her.
Well, if you remember about me someday, just pick up the phone and dial my number. I will always here for you, and listening to your stories.
Even there's no love between us, and there's nothing to talk about. No problem.
Even you call me in the middle of the night, in the middle of the crowd.
No problem.
Pick up the phone, dial my cellphone number. If you still have it, anyway.

Ah ya! Don't forget to thank your friends to tell you to broke up with me, because without them, I'll never ever know what you did behind my back.

Maybe someday there's someone in my life, who can accept me whatever I am? I'm pretty sure there's someone. Out there.

Ah ya, and in my wedding party, of course I'll invite you over with your girlfriend, or wife, or even your children(s)!

Maybe, we we're made to be seperated.

P.S. Biasaaa, sori kalo ada banyak salah spelling&grammar. HAHA.

Catch you later! *again, force myself to sleep*

December 27, 2008

Mama aku pengen........

Ah, so lonely night.
Haha, good question!
Hmm, sebenernya gue jadi sering ngepost karna gaada kerjaan.
Kenapa tiba-tiba jadi ngepost pake bahasa inggris?
Karena gue pengen mempersulit postingan gue aja sebenernya HAHA. (weird =,=)
Iya, mempersulit. Karena dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris, gue harus berhati-hati dengan setiap grammar dan spelling dan membuat postingan gue semakin berkualitas (apa coba?)
Anyway, gue kangen banget banget banget banget sekolah.


Oke, gue sebenernya bingung apa yang harus gue lakukan sebelum jam 8, sebelum internet gratis, sebelum kebahagiaan terjadi.
Busuk di depan tivi nontonin Kasak Kusuk? Ah, betapa membosankannya.
Eh iya, sepanjang sore ini gue habiskan dengan hunting foto buat dimasukin ke Devian ART gue. Haha, abal-abal sih, kameranya juga digital bukan slr.


Eh iya, sepupunya Krystle ganteng banget loooooooh! Haha. Mukanya kayak bule gitu.
Uh uh gila ya sepupu-sepupu temen-temen gue pada guanteng-guanteng semua HAHA.
Nggak Theo (sepupunya Talita) yang notabene adalah mantan pacar saya.
Nggak sepupunya Krystle yg gue ketemu pas di SD kemaren.
Nggak sepupunya Ayu yang juga lumayan.


Duh, kenapa ya Speedy tuh asiknya kalo cuma jam 8? Sebenernya gue udah pengen banget ganti broadband internet yang lain. Mungkin sehabis promonya yg gratis dari jam 8 malem sampe jam 8 pagi. Tapi, persyaratannya banyak banget jadi males. Tapi gue tetap harus kekeuh ganti broadband. Gakuaaaat kalo pake yang ada bates quotanya terus.


Duh, seru kali ya kalo punya pacar trus ngerayain new year barengan? Mana keluarga gue juga gaada acara apa-apa dalam rangka menyambut tahun baru. Uh, paling kakek nenek gue bikin acara meriah di meeting hall keluarga gue, mereka sih ngomongnya "open house" dalam rangka tahun baru; tapi berhubung gue akan menghadapi UAN tahun 2009 ini, maka gue tidak diperbolehkan ikut berpartisipasi dalam perayaan open house ini.


Ah sudahlah. Gue sudah kehabisan ide lagi untuk apa yang gue pengen.
At least, udah ada yang gue kerjakan hari ini dan berbukti nyata: ngeblog.

December 26, 2008

Random part II; big dreamer

Ah, finally. Come back home. I miss home.
I just arrived from Bandung this afternoon, and me and my family goes to Blok S to eat something (requested by Fino, one of my cousin).
We went to one factory outlet to factory outlet. From Rumah Mode to Cascade. From Batagor Kingsley to Winner Bratwurst.
Great holiday, anyway.
Ah ya. I forgot something!

Merry Christmas!

I got a red polkadot short, 2 tees, and..... argh, honestly I forgot.
I don't know what to do until 5th January. My mom will busy with her job, so do my dad. My brother can't help anything.
I want to go somehere, refresh my brain from fuckin' sweet memories that I had to left behind. And I lost a little interest to my crush.
He's just "too hard to get" and I don't care.
You know, after you-know-who-I-won't-remember tragedy, I can't loving someone perfectly. I mean perfectly that I can't focus on them. You know, there's always something wrong with them that I don't like. Such as they're too busy, they're too careless, and on and on.
BUT, with you-know-who-I-won't-remember, I was totally in love with him. I love his good side, even his bad side.
He's just too good for me. You know, something like I love you whatever you are thing?
I moved to Jakarta, and he was there. We were at the same class for 3 years. Is this destiny or what I don't know, and I don't want to think about it.
You know, it's hard to forget something really important in your life.
As if you can't survive without them.
It's silly. No, not silly. It's stupid.
So, I'm the stupid one.
Well, okay, I still breathing even he's not mine anymore. I always compare a boy with him. Every boy--without any exception!
Such as my new crush, I compare him with you-know-who-I-won't-remember. I think, my new crush is sweet and innocent, and you-know-who-I-won't-remember is totally NOT innocent at all. But, is he as patient as you-know-who-I-won't-remember to face me?
You-know-who-I-won't-remember is really patient. He talks to me slowly, full of understandment. He cares about me. He was so calm. I love him.
I'm not.
Those words.. fuckin' shit, I hate to admit it!
I can't delete it. This is my blog, my place to tell you my feelings, so I won't deny it.
As he deny his feeling!
Great. Flashback again. Good job, Trid. It makes you harder to forget him, stupid girl.
Anyway, Bandung is a great city to live. I think it might be good to school here. Maybe in SMAN 5? Or ITB -- interior design or graphic design? Well, I can't decide.
No, I already planned my future in Australia, Monash University, Public Relation major.
Actually, my real ambition is a fashion designer. But, my dad said that become a designer will not really good. He wants me as a doctor. HELLO? I hate blood.
Now, I want to be a CEO (Chief Executive Officer). Become a leader of a big company, and live in an exclusive pent house, using Guess? high heels to the office, and expensive blazer, and paid for 180 millions per month.

Big dreamer? Yes I am!

December 24, 2008


Honestly, I'm sleepy. But--stupid me--I can't sleep.
Okay, cause it's been so long long long long time since my last post, I decide to make a new post today.
What we will talking about? Argh. Have no idea -,-

Okay. First of all, I want to tell you about my score report. OH HELL NO. It's horrible.
Ya, I mean it. My mom so mad cause of that shit score report and yeah, what I have to do? Ta-da.
Actually, I regret it.

Okay, I hate to talking about it. So we talk about my holiday.
Today (because it's already Wednesday) me and my family will go to Bandung. I hope it'll be fun.

Oh ya. I think I have a new crush but wa-la I don't know why, for this person I make an exception. Yeah you know something that for this guy only thing?
He was tall, and cute. And calm, and a basketball player. And of course not one of my exes. But I'm not really sure that he likes me back. Cause he never--okay, sometimes--sending any message for me.
It's awful.
(I know, the word "awful" is just too much for this situation.)

OH YA! Finally, I found something to tell you about!
About my little accident.

So, that was Wednesday.
There's a game in my school backyard. Football game. My class (9.1) vs 9.2. And the game ended up with 9.2 as the winner.
Then, I walk through the field but.... BRUK!
I fell, and everyone just staring at me and come to make a circle over me. They're panicked. So do I. I sit and start to cry. Fuck, what a mess for me.

"Are you okay?"
"Are you feel fine?"

Then I know that was Econ who crash me up.
"Trid, maaf ya. Trid lo gapapa kan?" he asks me panicly.
I can't say anything. Speechless.
My back and my waist... oh gees.

Nutshell, I come home early from the others. My family was just so panic and ya you know...... Then finally I know what happened to me. My back swelling, and I feel so stiff in the whole body. Gees. What happened to me?

Finally, until now I feel fine.

I think I have to force myself to sleep.
See ya, bubye!

P.S: Maaf ya kalo banyak grammarnya yang salah, maklum masih belajar haha :)